Butterflies and Moths
Butterflies and moths are also very important in pollinating the plants, flowers and vegetables we need on Earth!
Jock usually sees butterflies when he’s looking at wildflowers, and at night time when he is sitting by his candle moths fly in to see him!
Can you tell the difference between moths and butterflies? Here’s how!
Butterflies have four different life stages. During their short lifetime, they undergo a complete change, or metamorphosis. Each one begins life as an egg, hatches into a caterpillar, pupates into a chrysalis and then emerges as an adult. Butterflies need warmth to be active and fly, and they need to drink nectar for energy. Provide both, and you’ll have a butterfly haven. Try to plant plenty of different nectar plants that flower throughout spring, summer and autumn, in a sheltered, sunny spot.
So how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly? Watch these videos to find out.
If you want to learn more about butterflies download the Butterfly Conservation Scotland's Butterflies of North East Scotland - An Identification Guide (PDF)
If you want to find out more about butterflies watch this video.
To learn more about identifying butterflies and moths visit,
- Identify a butterfly (Butterfly Conservation)
- Bumblebee and Butterfly Identification Training Tool
- Grow flowers For Butterflies
- Gardening for Butterflies

This is part of the Minibeasts and Pollinators information.