
Get Smart or Become Dinner!

It’s not easy being a moth or a caterpillar with all those hungry creatures looking out for dinner! Jock thinks moths and their larvae have been really smart in evolving some really clever ways to avoid becoming someone’s dinner!

Some of the tricks caterpillars use include:

  • I’m not here!
  • I’m a twig!
  • I’m bird poo!
  • I taste horrid!
  • I’m dangerous!

See our examples below.

Moths - I’m not here!
I’m not here! Emperor Moth Larva use colour to blend in with their background (Select image for Larger Image)
Moths - I’m a twig
I’m A Twig Pale Brindled Beauty Larva (Select image for Larger Image)
Peach Blossom Larva
I’m Bird Poo Peach Blossom Larva (Select image for Larger Image)
Moths - Warning - I Taste Horrid!
Warning - I Taste Horrid! Cinnabar caterpillars contain toxins from their plant food (Select image for Larger Image)
Elephant Hawk Moth Larva
Warning - I’m Dangerous Elephant Hawk Moth Larva's eyespots Make Them Look Like A Predator (Select image for Larger Image)
Moths - Puss moth caterpillar has a scary face and tails
Warning - I’m Dangerous Puss moth caterpillar has a scary face and tails (Select image for Larger Image)

Adult moths have plenty tricks up their wings too! Colour and pattern are really important in avoiding predators.

  • I’m not here!
  • I’m bird poo!
  • I taste yucky!
  • I’m not even a moth!

See our examples below.

An Engrailed Moth
I’m Not Here! An Engrailed Moth (Select image for Larger Image)
Moths - A Grey Chi Moth On A Rock
I’m Not Here! A Grey Chi Moth On A Rock (Select image for Larger Image)
Moths - An Adult Lime-Speck Pug Moth
I’m Bird Poo An Adult Lime-Speck Pug Moth (Select image for Larger Image)
Moths - Garden Tiger
I Taste Yucky The Garden Tiger warns off predators by opening its wings, and showing its red hind wings with dark blue spots. If anything is daft enough to attack it oozes out nasty yellow fluid from behind its head! (Select image for Larger Image)
I’m Not Even A Moth!
I’m Not Even A Moth! Lunar Hornet Moth - Yes it is a moth! (Select image for Larger Image)

This is part of the Moths and Caterpillars information.