On The Hunt - Fox
Foxes belong to the dog family. They are slender, with pointed ears, a long muzzle and their famous reddish coats. The back of the ears and the front of the legs are black, and the throat to the belly whitish grey. The tail is about 1/3 of the length of a fox. In the wild they usually live for just a few years.
What Foxes Eat?
Foxes eat meat - both hunted and scavenged, rabbits, small mammals, rats, birds insects, worms, fruit and berries.
About Fox Breeding
Male and female foxes can form a pair that can last for life. They travel and hunt on their own, but sometimes meet when they play and groom each other.
Foxes are territorial and will defend their territories against other foxes.
Calls are made all year, but Jock definitely hears them most in winter. Have a listen!
Winter is their mating season, and also when the young foxes leave home. This is when there are most fights, and they can be heard most often. Towards the end of winter the female will look for a suitable den where she can give birth to her cubs. Like dogs, pregnancies last around 53 days. Dens can vary from the earths of other animals. Like badger setts, they can be above or below ground, even in hollow trees or in the branches of dead trees.
She will have 4-5 cubs in her den, and at first the male will bring her food. The cubs are born deaf and blind, and their fur is short and black. They will stay in the den for the first few weeks, totally dependent on their mum.
Fur Coats - foxes coats are in their best condition from November - February, to keep them warm through the coldest months.
They have 3 types of fur - fine underfur to trap air close to the body and insulate; longer coarse guard hairs to provide water resistance, and give the coat its famous sheen; intermediate hairs like the guard hairs which are shorter and thinner.
Foxes often have a white tip to their tails, or brushes.
Because their coats are so good at insulating them, in cold weather you can often see them with snow or frost on their coats-this means they are losing very little body heat through their coat, and their tail is especially well insulated.
You can read more at Wildlife Online Red Fox Appearance.

This is part of the Winter Wildllife information.