Wildflowers are flowers that grow naturally in the wild. They will grow year after year under natural conditions without help from people. Many wildflowers do well on poor soils that has not been fertilized, have a look along roadside verges. Native wildflowers are very important to insects (pollinators). Wildflower meadows are fantastic but unfortunately, we have lost 97% of our wildlife meadows since 1930.
You can plant an area with native wildflower seed but it will take a long time to become an established wildflower meadow but a least you are making a start. Start to appreciate and learn more about the wildflowers that you see as you explore the countryside… so many different colours and structures.
See how if you can Can You Tell Your Corncockle from Your Cornflower? from the Grow Wild UK web site.
Browse our gallery of wildflower images below (select any of the photographs to see a larger image).
This is part of the Things That Grow information.