Spring Flowers
Start to look out for Spring flowers. They are so important as they feed insects, birds and animals. When Jock wants to see spring wildflowers growing in woodlands he often visits ancient woodlands (woodland that has been around since 1600 as shown on old maps) such as Tillyfourie Oak or Paradise woodland near Monymusk.
The first flowers Jock sees are snowdrops. Learn more by reading 10 Fun Facts about Snowdrops.
He also likes Butterbur: Scotland's Nature: Butterbur.
Here he often sees wood anemone and other spring flowers appearing on the forest floor before the trees have leaves as this is when the sunlight reaches the forest floor. Learn more by reading the Wildlife Trust's Wood Anemone information.
In the forests on the slopes of Bennachie and near to the Bennachie Visitor centre Jock see Wood Sorrel he loves these delicate white flowers Wood Sorrel (Wildlife Trust).
He also see blaeberry flowers in May and cannot wait until July when the dark fruit will be ready so he can eat them with the blackbirds! Read more about Blaeberry at the Trees for Life web site.
If you want to find out more about spring flowers: Woodland Trust - Early Spring Flowers
Why not try growing your own wildflowers: Growing Wild Flowers with Children
Jock’s jokes: What do you get when 2 plants kiss? Tu-lips!
This is part of the All About Spring information.