The Meadow Pipit
The Bird Spot web site has brilliant information about Meadow Pipits.
In springtime, Jock is always pleased to see the return of the meadow pipits to the higher ground after spending winter down on the farmland near Bennachie.
One of his springtime joys is to see the male meadow pipit singing out whilst rising about 30 meters from the ground, then with his wings out ‘parachuting’ down again.
Keep your eyes out for these lovely little guys-they are good at blending in with the vegetation. They have olive brown upper parts, with broad black streaks on the head, mantle and back. The upper wing is darker with pale edges, and the underwing is whitish. The tail is dark brown with a green fringe. They have paler undersides.
They eat insects, flies, moths, beetles and spiders, and in winter will take seeds. During nesting season Jock has to be careful with his big feet as meadow pipits build their nests on the ground, hidden in vegetation, so he stays on the paths.
They lay 2-7 glossy white eggs with brown spots. After 13 days the chicks will hatch and are fed by both parents. They leave the nest after 12 days but will be fed by the parents for another 14 days. Meadow pipits are cuckoo’s favourite ‘victims’.
This is part of the Birds In Spring information.