
Information For Children

Note: We have created this section for children. If you are parent or adult you may find our Information for Parents section useful.
Jock o' Bennachie

Jock Says: Whilst on Bennachie you must always be with a responsible grown up. Children should never be out on Bennachie without a responsible grown up!

You’re going to be outdoors, so check the weather forecast and think about what that means for your trip (see Bennachie Weather Forecast).

Make sure you wear suitable clothing-that might be warm layers and waterproofs or sunscreen and hats.

Be prepared for a change in the weather.

We suggest sturdy footwear with a good grip. The ground will be uneven, and can be muddy or slippery when wet. If you’re going to be climbing Bennachie remember that the weather at the top could be different than at the car park. It could be windy and cooler for example. Once you go higher than the trees you won’t have shelter from the sun or rain so make sure you have suitable clothing/hat/sunscreen in your backpack

If you’re going to be outdoors for some time you will want to pack a drink and a snack in your backpack.

Fun Activity: You can use the UK Birds and Sounds application to learn more about bird songs. You can also use it to keep a record of the birds you hear. This program works on iPhones and iPads.

If you have printed off a sheet for recording what you see, remember to take a pencil. There are wildlife rubbings to do on the trail near the Bennachie Visitor Centre, so you might want to take some paper and a crayon.

Remember: After handling things outside, always wash your hands!

Jock o' Bennachie

Jock Says: Remember litter is bad for my furry and feathered friends and for the environment, so always take it home with you or pop it into the bin at the car park.

Summer Programme Outdoor Activity Checklist Winter Safety On Bennachie

Children Playing in Woodland

UK Birds and Sounds
UK Birds and Sounds App in Apple App Store